Saturday, August 4, 2012

99 Problems...but a degree isn't one.

This whole job search is really starting to wear on me.
Once I woke up this morning, I looked in the mirror and realized that I have been bra-less for two days, in pajamas for three, and moping around like a tween for about a week now.
I have honestly been running on a list of 'things to do' since I was 17. After graduation everything stopped.  A huge emergency break was pulled and I haven't quite adjusted yet.
It's just going to take some time...
During this I will be blogging about the great world of unemployment and motherhood.

Even though this is getting me down, I will not let it get the best of me.  If you are in my boat, hang in there.

This is going to be somewhat depressing, but mostly humorous... and always honest.

Unemployed RN

1 comment:

  1. Hi Unemployed RN,
    I am in the same boat. I am a old new graduate RN, BSN and had to take some time off of work to be at home with my son. I am a mother of a 5 month old. So far, I have put in 100's of applications and only have three interviews and no job offers. Have you found work as a RN? How long did it take you?
